Coming soon! Check out the list of remarkable
Coming soon! Check out the list of remarkable artists that are part of this visual tabloid journal La Tranchée Racine by United Dead Artists. I have the chance to be contributing inside with many of the profoundly influencial artists of mine and also to the upcoming exhibition at arts factory [ galerie nomade ] this Fall!
3 EUROS !-!
Reinhard Scheibner, Mavado Charon, Antoine Marchalot, Jérémy Boulard Le Fur, ChristianAubrun, Juliette Déjoue,
Marc Brunier-Mestas, Joko, Stéphane Prigent, Arnaud Loumeau, Lenté Chris, Johnny Ryan, Piguel Géraud, Nuvish, Shoboshobo,
Captain Cavern, Frédéric Fleury, Jean-Christophe Menu, Charles Papier, Francesco Defourny, Tomahawk, Kaz, Camille Déjoue,
Wataru Kasahara, Pole Ka, François de Jonge, Satanik Mike, Jérôme Zonder, Céline Guichard, Ludovic Debeurme, Georganne Deen,
Christelle Enault, Tom de Pékin, Pit, Jad Fair, Helge Reumann, Guillaume Dénervaud, Diego Fermin, Tourlas Ge, Sam Rictus,
Mathieu Desjardins, Aleksandra Waliszewska, Wouter Vanhaelemeesch,Tristan des Limbes, Olivia Clavel, Martha Verschaffel,
Alice Odilon, , Anne Van Der Linden , Dewey Guyen, lulu melon sandia, Céline Le Gouail, Blanquet.
I recently made these two posters for the Panache Pitchfork afterparties at The Empty Bottle in Chicago.
The bands include Thee Oh Sees, Ty Segall, The Men, The Blind Shake and others…
A poster I did for Clacson and Thee Oh Sees
A poster I did for Clacson and Thee Oh Sees concert in June.
Michael Deforge
I recently fall madly in love with Michael Deforge comix. I know I’m late, but I recently bought his Lose series and everything in there is just amazing, especially the issue number 2. I’m waiting impatiently for the next one…
Follow him here:
La Danse Macabre + Noisemaker + MBAM
Hi! I'm selling prints of this Illustration called La Danse Macabre on Society6.
You can purchase it here:
I really need this financial help right now, so thank you. It'll help me keep producing
this kind of elaborate and super-detailed work.
La Danse Macabre, 2011, India Ink+Brush on solid paper
(On the right of the picture is to show you the scale of details in the illustration.)
Other than that, early this year, the Journal Montreal Mirror asked me to do an interview with them for their
annual Noisemakers issue. You can read it by clicking on this portrait...
Also, I've participated with the amazing collective EN MASSE last November to January 2012 for the exhibition BIG BANG at the Fine Arts Museum of Montreal. We filled up an entire room full of collective black & white paintings on the walls. Here's four pictures of the room:
You can see more beautiful pictures on the Safewalls website HERE.
And finally, here's a comix page I tested for an upcoming project with Lelo Jimmy Batista who
is a music journalist for the magazine New Noise(in which I realized an interview recently) and also
a writter for this blog: In the end, this page doesn't have anything to
do with the final story, but I think it's interesting enough to show it here...
So, that's it for now folks!
Froggy Haze, shrooms dealer
Another collaboration with my good friend Carlos Santos. More to come...
Collaboration with Carlos Santos
Small collaboration made with Carlos Santos.
We might be doing a small comix with this character...